Happy Pawlentine

Event Location: 576 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA

How to participate:

  1. Submit your registration here.

  2. Submit payment to the Perfect Dog Rescue (look to right for payment options), $30 per dog.



“People Helping People” Interview!

Diana gave a heartfelt interview about the journey of rescuing dogs on Bolly923fm.com.

Please listen here.


The Perfect Dog rescue works hard to save at risk dogs from local animal shelters who otherwise wouldn’t have a chance. We give those dogs the chance they need when no one else will step up or help them. We take on a lot of special needs cases, both behaviorally and medically. We then work to rehabilitate them. This costs the rescue volunteers a lot of time and money. The rescue spends more in vet bills than we are able to recoup from the adoption fees alone, so we rely on your donations to continue our hard work and be able to continue to save lives.

To donate, click here:

Here’s a video we made in 2012 with just SOME of the dog’s stories.
We have MANY, many more since then…

News & Events

The Perfect Dog holds regular adoption events, enabling potential owners to meet and interact with all of our rescued dogs. Below you will find our schedule of events, all of which are hosted at local pet stores and boutiques in the Silicon Valley. Come help a dog find their perfect forever home!




Since starting in March 2010, we have rescued…

almost 1,000 dogs!

Want to Volunteer?


Check out the Volunteer page on how you can help!

Giving Up/Found A Dog?

Due to our very limited resources and extremely few foster homes, we currently cannot accept any owner surrendered or stray dog of any size into our program. Our number 1 priority is rescuing dogs from local animal shelters.

If you found a dog, please make a report with your local animal shelter. Their owner may be looking for it. Also, get the dog scanned at a shelter or a local veterinarian, as there may be a possibility it may have a microchip (with owner’s information). Try a search on Craigslist for any lost dogs or make a post saying it was found.

If you absolutely cannot keep the dog, try contacting another local rescue, or do your research and take it to a very low to no-kill animal shelter, humane society, or SPCA. If its owners don’t come looking for it, many Bay Area shelters do their best to work with rescue groups to find the dogs permanent homes and have since greatly reduced the number of dogs euthanized in shelters.

What To Do When You Find A Stray Dog